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I created this interactive whale box so people can experience the magic of the ocean. The sounds we hear, the things we see and how we effect the environment. 

Sections of this project were created from scratch. I used cut wood to create the box frame, a polycarbonate sheet to hold the background LEDs, polycarbonate and silicone to form the bubbling wall, and pipe cleaners to create the whales. The bubbling wall sits on a wooden shelf and bubbles with a small aquarium motor and tubes. I used various Adafruit electrical components such as a motion sensor, two motors, LEDs and more to create the motion and experience. I painted the external acrylic pour paintings to match splashing water. I covered the backs of the canvases with aluminum foil and aluminum tape to reflect the LED lights. Personally I had a lot of fun creating this box and I hope it inspires you to create your own magical place. 

© 2023 Proudly created with

The artwork displayed on these pages were all captured, created and designed by Tiffany for your viewing pleasure. 

Thank you.

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